Page name: Shower singers! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-11 21:52:40
Last author: Linderel
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# of watchers: 14
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2007-04-18 [someelf]: I join =D *goes find photo* ^^

2007-04-18 [Vou]: Me too!! <3

2007-04-22 [shisnick990]: I'm a little confused... Does that mean that we could vidoe tape ourselves showering and sining and submit that???

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: No, I want an image. :P

2007-04-22 [Vou]: I've got ideas, but it's hard to pick just one. xD Or two...

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: That's why you can have three. :D

2007-04-26 [Snap Dragon]: me three!

2007-04-26 [Cia_mar]: so it can be a photo or drawing?

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: I believe that is what I have said.

2007-04-26 [Cia_mar]: just making sure i i think i will try this one, hopefully i will have a scanner available before deadline!

2007-04-30 [Angelic nightmares]: Do we have to send you the image before we can post it here? Or do we just go ahead and post it?

2007-04-30 [Linderel]: Just go ahead... o_O

2007-04-30 [Angelic nightmares]: Ok. I wanted to make sure.

2007-05-05 [Titanium Tiger]: Ill submit one!! *gets a pad of paper and a pencil*

2007-05-14 [Linderel]: Anyone going to submit any time soon? *prods*

2007-05-15 [Skydancer]: *pokes* where is your own showershot expamples ? *hugs*

2007-05-16 [Vou]: -giggles-

2007-05-16 [Linderel]: Erm. <_< >_>

2007-05-24 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: I'm definitely entering this contest. xD

2007-05-24 [Vou]: xD I am working on mine...

2007-05-24 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: I just now saw it and was like, =o!!!

2007-05-24 [Vou]: xD I know. I was on Linderel's page was like.. "OMGZ! I MUST ENTER!! x3"

2007-05-24 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Haha, that's great. Guess I need to start doodlin' and figure out how I'm gunna do this. I'm also in that A to Z contest. I need to start crackin' down. ><

2007-05-25 [Vou]: I agree... =x It's hard to balance school and elftown work at the same time!! ><

2007-05-26 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: I just got outta school for summer break Wednesday. =)

2007-05-29 [Titanium Tiger]: lucky you !! I dont get out untill the 12 of june!!^^

2007-05-30 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: -cackle- We use tog et out in the middle of May and start back at the end of August. We start back at the beginning of August this year. D=

2007-05-30 [Linderel]: Hmm. Looks like I'll have to extend the deadline... :P

2007-05-30 [Cia_mar]: that would be most helpful!

2007-05-30 [Linderel]: There we go. I hope that's enough. :3

2007-05-30 [Vou]: I get out the 9th of June. =o And yes, that will be helpful, I've tried to draw and such, but I am in a major rut..

2007-05-30 [Cia_mar]: yea! that is a great deadline! thank you!

2007-05-30 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Yay! x.x

2007-05-30 [Titanium Tiger]: awsome thanx!!

2007-05-30 [Mikie9191]: Can I win by default if I have the only entry? :P

2007-05-31 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: NO! Loserface!

2007-05-31 [Linderel]: That would indeed be a no.

2007-06-01 [Titanium Tiger]: well make the dead line longer agian?

2007-06-01 [Linderel]: Only if I absolutely need to.

2007-06-02 [Titanium Tiger]: just a thought!^^

2007-06-10 [Beki in Wonderland]: Hmm.. This is a cool idea! I think i shall enter ^___^

2007-07-07 [Linderel]: Seems like everyone forgot. -_- I'm extending the deadline again, because I'll be away until Tuesday evening. Let's say... another couple of months.

2007-07-07 [Vou]: :X I didn't forget... -innocent whistle-

2007-07-12 [Titanium Tiger]: Im trying!!^^

2007-07-13 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: I've got mine done. Haven't had the chance to use the scanner. =[

2007-07-16 [MisLuck]: I'm having difficulties as I don't have a tripod
I have all planned out, but it's no use when I have such a filthy showerglass and no tripod so the extension is warmly welcome! =)

2007-09-13 [Linderel]: The deadline has passed, yet there are no entries. Must I conclude that this contest is a failure?

2007-09-14 [Titanium Tiger]: well I dont think it failed just need to make an example of wat you want!! I definately do it but Im not all that good!

2007-09-14 [Linderel]: Hmm.

2007-09-14 [Titanium Tiger]: try again? Ill addvertise it in my mood!!!! I have a contest going too and its not doing so hot!!

2007-09-14 [Linderel]: Well, I'll think about what I want to do about it tomorrow - okay, today. It's half past three in the morning, and I need to go to bed. :P

2007-09-14 [Titanium Tiger]: wow its only 735 here!!

2007-09-14 [Linderel]: Timezones are a bitch.

2007-09-14 [Titanium Tiger]: lol most definately

2007-09-14 [Skydancer]: it took quite a while for me to have both the opportunity and an idea on how to do this without being too blatent with the nudity, which I don't mind of course, but this is not an age limited wiki and in the US there are legal ramifications.

2007-09-14 [Linderel]: Omg, an actual entry! :D

2007-09-14 [Skydancer]: Well, gee, yeah, now where is yours? :)

2007-09-14 [Linderel]: Still not comfortable taking nude pictures, and to draw would be too demanding for my meagre skills. :P

2007-09-14 [Skydancer]: well, as you can see, there is nothing nude showing, and who says you have to be fully nude, or even partially? I suppose a song belted out in your wet underwear would still be singing in the shower, :)

2007-09-14 [Linderel]: Heh. True enough.

2007-09-14 [Hedda]: "hips start to swing"?!? Of course not! I'm only singing power ballads that make tears! <img:stuff/sing.gif>

2007-09-14 [Cia_mar]: nice ones skydancer!

2007-09-15 [Skydancer]: Thank you, it was one that took some thinking about, :)

2007-10-14 [Titanium Tiger]: Im teying !!I really amm! schools takingup my time right now!!

2007-10-14 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Wow. Long deadline. >< I'm kinda glad. I have a better idea than what I had sketched out. =D

2008-01-11 [Linderel]: Dead... completely, utterly dead. I'm done with extending the deadline, this contest is a flop. >_<
I will be removing the comments soon, and this wiki shall remain to be freely claimed by anyone, supposing someone would come up with the name.
[Skydancer], as the sole person who actually entered, would you like some kind of prize?

2008-01-11 [Vou]: -pokes fingers together- Sorry... Lami. I tried to come up with a picture.. but nothing came out right. ><'

2008-01-12 [Skydancer]: smile, I am sorry it did not get going, I thought it was an interesting idea. And thats ok, let it fade and perhaps someday when the world is a more open place it will come back. I think you personal offering of your self in your photos was more than a prize, it was a wonderful thing to do, and I may, with your permission, try to do something of art with one of them... :)

2008-01-12 [Titanium Tiger]: Im soory I couldnt get around to it life is a bit hecktic!

2008-01-12 [Linderel]: Never mind. You tried, that's the important thing.

Skydancer: Sure you have my permission, though I think I need to try and take better ones at some point.

2008-01-13 [Skydancer]: that would be lovely, I can give you my studio email if you like so you can send high res, high quality. Typically I work at a minimum of 3000 X 4500 pixels for my prints, up to 9000 x 10500 for the larger ones. You would make a really quite marvelous fae or pixie. :)

2008-01-13 [Titanium Tiger]: very cool!!

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